Monday, July 26, 2010


The other day I walked into my bedroom to find my 4 year old daughter sitting by herself on our bed trying to do what she often sees her mother doing there. I thought she was so cute that I quietly turned around and grabbed my camera in order to capture the moment. Afterwards these pictures caused me to pause and reflect on how impressionable our children are at these foundational stages of their lives. I couldn't help but to ask myself, "What am I modeling and pouring into her?"


Monday, July 19th at 7:33am I discovered another facet of love. My son was born. I didn't know how I could ever love another child as much as I love my daughter, but sure enough, I do. I've also found that the love of a father and a son is different and special from the love of a father and daughter. Both relationship are incredible and unique and I wouldn't trade either of them for anything. Despite the exhaustion that I'm experiencing from some sleepless nights, I'm feeling so blessed. I'm grateful that everything went so smoothly for the delivery and Ann is recovering incredibly well. I feel like I'm the proudest husband and father in the world right now. I thank God for this new life that He has entrusted to us.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We are 12 days away from meeting our son. Ann is scheduled for a C-Section on Monday, July 19th. We're really excited but we're feeling a little behind on all the final tasks that we need to accomplish in order to be "ready." We still need to paint the nursery, set up the crib, bring in the dresser, etc. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

A significant contributor to our procrastination is the nursery also served as my old office. This kind of threw me for a loop as my life continues to get rearranged. Recently the pastor from South Gate church (located 7 minutes from my house) heard about my immediate need for an office. He quickly checked with the leadership of his church about the vacant office that they have and he contacted me to let me know that I could use the available space for free. This is a huge answer to prayer and a major relief!

In the midst of the busyness I had a friend of mine remind me to not miss out on a significant moment. He pointed out that my daughter is old enough to begin helping get the house ready for the baby. This will allow us to make memories together as well as help prepare her heart and mind for the new family member. I'm grateful for my friend's advice. I will admit that moving my office would have went quicker without her help, but she was extremely excited to be a part of getting the room ready. This weekend Grandpa Larry is coming to paint the nursery and we promised her that she could help him paint. It has been so fun to see her display so much excitement and anticipation over her baby brother. I'm looking forward to seeing her hold him for the first time as I was old enough to recall holding my younger sister for the first time. Most nights before she goes to bed my daughter kisses Ann's tummy and prays for the baby. This is usually followed with her asking us how much longer until "my baby" gets here? To which Ann and I respond, "Soon...very soon."